Tiny Cabin in the woods

About image
This page is about the tiny Amish cabin we had built in 2015. The interior was designed by us and was built by Cedar Creek Storage Barns LLC, 5871 North 41 Road, Manton, MI 49663. Cedar Creek Storage is an Amish owned business. They have a variety of sizes and designs. We choose the length, the style of the building . We choose to have the entire building insulated, from top to bottom. The interior is done in knotty pine. We positioned every window with our plans for the placement of the kitchen sink, the bed and the sunlight. We also specified the locations of all of the outlets. Cedar Creek Storage Barns employees were very cooperative and helpful.  The buildings are built at their shop in Manton, Michigan. When completed it is shipped to your building site.  This cabin fits our needs perfectly! The cabin is off the grid. Our electricity comes from solar panels and two wind turbines.  We also got rid of the swimming pool and now have a natural swimming pond. We are using solar powered aeration from Missouri Wind and and Solar, https://mwands.com  to keep it clean, healthy and chemical free!
  • Central Lake, MI USA